Investor FAQs
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When was Alvotech founded?
Alvotech was founded in 2013 with the mission to develop and manufacture biosimilars for the patients worldwide.
Where are Alvotech’s corporate headquarters?
Alvotech’s headquarters and main R&D and manufacturing site is located at Saemundargata 15-19, 102 Reykjavik, Iceland.
Who are the members of Alvotech’s Board of Directors?
You can view a list of our Directors by visiting the Board of Directors section (link) on this website.
Who are the members of Alvotech’s management team?
You can view a list of our executives by visiting the Executive Team section (link) on this website.
Where can I find more information about Alvotech’s R&D programs?
You can get more information about our biosimilars development by visiting the Pipeline section (link) of this website.
On which exchanges is the company listed and under what ticker symbol?
The company is listed on the NASDAQ market in the US and First North market in Iceland under the symbol ALVO.
When did Alvotech complete its business combination with Oaktree Acquisition Corp. II and start trading on the NASDAQ?
Alvotech completed its business combination with Oaktree Acquisition Corp II on June 15, 2022 and started trading on NASDAQ the following day.
How can I purchase shares in Alvotech?
Shares can be purchased through a licensed stockbroker of your choice.
Does Alvotech have a direct stock purchase plan?
Alvotech does not currently offer a direct stock purchase plan.
Does Alvotech pay dividends or have a dividend reinvestment program?
Currently Alvotech does not currently offer a dividend or a dividend reinvestment program.
How can I get a copy of Alvotech’s annual report or other investor materials?
Annual Reports and other investor materials are available on the SEC filings page of the Investor Relations section on the website (link). They can also be obtained directly from the SEC EDGAR website.
Where can I find recent Alvotech press releases?
You can view our recent press releases by visiting the News section (link) of this website.
Who can I contact if I am a member of the media?
For media inquiries please contact
Who can I contact if I am an investor and have questions that are not answered here?
For investor relations inquiries please contact
Who is Alvotech’s transfer agent and how do I contact them?
Alvotech has engaged Computershare as its transfer agent. Please find below Computershare‘s contact information.
Investor Centre website
Telephone inquiries
1-800-736-3001 (US, Canada, Puerto Rico)
1-781-575-3100 (non-US)
Broker inquiries
1-866-690-8162 (Toll Free Number)
1-781-575-4019 (Toll Number)
Written requests
P.O. Box 505000
Louisville, KY 40233-5000
By overnight delivery:
462 South 4th Street, Suite 1600
Louisville KY 40202
Shareholder Online Inquiries